Abstract: Objective: Analyze the coverage of cesarean needs and quality of services in maternity wards of general hospitals in rural areas of reference
Methods: It is a multicenter, retrospective transversal type. It involved 434 women who delivered by cesarean section in maternity wards of general hospitals Tshilenge reference and Kasansa in East Kasai (DRCongo)
Results: The Caesarean section rate was 21.1% in the overall study population, 17.7% to the reference Kasansa General Hospital and 28% to the reference Tshilenge General Hospital. The indications for cesarean section were required in 298 cases (68.7%), prudence in 98 cases (22.6%) and necessary in 38 cases (38%). Coverage of needs cesarean related to expected births was 2.1% overall, 1.5% and 2.8% Kasansa, Tshilenge. 76 cases (16.4%) of Caesarean sections have a complication. Infectious complications were most common, 45 cases (59.2%) and among them, suppuration and dropping sutures accounted for 35.1%, 119 cases (27.4%) of Caesarean sections were of poor quality.
Conclusion: The rural caesarean coverage and quality of services are insufficient. Efforts should be concentrated on increasing capacity care providers, quality monitoring of pregnancy and services, early diagnosis of the emergency and referral of patients to the appropriate person in a timely manner for rational management finally thoroughly analyze the perceptions and experiences of caesarean section in rural areas.