Abstract: Aim: To evaluate maternal thyroid hormonal status in women with and without preeclampsia and to find out association between hypothyroidism and preeclampsia.
Method: In this prospective case control study 40 women diagnosed as preeclampsia were compared with 35 healthy pregnant women. Thyroid function test was done in both groups of women and statistical analysis was done to find out association of thyroid hormones with preeclampsia. Obstetric outcome was analysed.
Result: Mean FT3 and TSH were significantly different in preeclamptic women. FT4 was comparable in both groups. Age, parity and BMI were not influenced by thyroid hormones. No correlation between severity of preeclampsia and thyroid hormonal status was observed. Gestational age at birth was significantly decreased and cesarean rate was significantly high in preeclampsia. Low birth weight was significant in preeclampsia.
Conclusion: Hypothyroidism is not significantly associated with preeclampsia. No correlation between hypothyroidism and severity of preeclampsia is observed.