Abstract: Introduction: One in ten teenage girls become pregnant each year resulting in more than one million pregnancies, more than 6,00,000 births, and more than 3,30,000 induced and 1,50,000 spontaneous abortions.
Methodology: The study comprises of antenatal, intranatal and postnatal period, normal, abnormal consequences and sequelae there off. Most of the patients were admitted to labour room as an emergency admission and few patients attended the antenatal clinic as out patients and very few admitted to the antenatal ward for various complications.
Results: The incidence of premature labour, PROM was high in study group compared to control group. There is not much difference in the incidence of breech presentation, abruptio placenta and PPROM, multiple pregnancy and malpositions.
Conclusion: The incidence of low birth weight is more in study group is 27% compared to 16% in control group.