International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2018, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Part B
A study on modalities and management of ante partum hemorrhage
Author(s): Dr. Bhojaraja MH and Dr. K. P. Sowmya
Abstract: The incidence of placenta praevia increases in a linear way with increasing number of previous caesarean section. A retrospective study showed an incidence of 0.26%88 in an unscarred uterus, 0.65% after one Caesarean section rising up to 16% in women with 4 or more abdominal deliveries. The risk of placenta praevia is highest in the pregnancy immediately following Caesarean section and with multiparas with previous LSCS. Each case on inclusion into this study was given a code number. At delivery the newborn was also given the same code no to facilitate the follow up of newborn through the perinatal period. The detailed history of each case was taken followed by through clinical examination clinical data of each case was recorded on a performed Proforma in serial manner. 78.09% of women with placental abruption were delivered after artificial rupture of membranes and augmentation with syntocinon, 22.91% were delivered after tab misoprost.
Dr. Bhojaraja MH, Dr. K. P. Sowmya. A study on modalities and management of ante partum hemorrhage. Int J Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2018;2(4):89-93. DOI: 10.33545/gynae.2018.v2.i4b.113