Abstract: Aims: Observation of microbes transference from mother’s birth canal to neonatal oral cavity during various birth delivery modes in term gestation with intact membranes.
Materials and Methods: 100 healthy pregnant women selected for study were divided into five groups each comprising 20 subjects. the delivery modes studied were spontaneous vaginal [Group 1], induced delivery [Group 2], assisted vaginal delivery, forceps/vacuum [Group 3] emergency cesarean [Group 4], elective caesarean [Group 5]. High vaginal swabs obtained before delivery, whereas neonatal buccal cavity sample were obtained soon after delivery. Samples were transported to the lab for microbiological assays and statistically analysed using Chi-Square test.
Results: The association of transference of microbes between parturient canal and oral cavity statistically significant for spontaneous, induced deliveries and emergency cesarean deliveries.
Conclusion: Irrespective of birth delivery mode neonate’s buccal cavity was contaminated by microorganisms.