Abstract: Background: In our study we compared lateral placentation with central placentation and their respective effects on maternal blood pressure and related complication. Of the 163 patients with lateral location of placenta 31.9% developed PIH, while of the 157patients with central location of placenta 37.58% developed PIH.
Method: Flow pattern in both the arteries were concluded in the form of Pulsatility index (PI) and Resistance index (RI), NDI and average values of such waveform were taken via Transabdominal route. A patient was diagnosed to have PIH if there was a rise in systolic pressure of at least 30 mmHg or a diastolic of at least 15 mmHg over the previously known blood pressure or an absolute rise in the blood pressure of at least 140/90 mmHg was taken to diagnose women as a case of PIH
Results: There is no any statistically significant relationship found b/w development of PIH and location of placenta.
There is no any statistically significant relationship b/w PIH and location of placenta.
Conclusion: We conclude that the result of our study there is no significant association between uterine artery resistance and lateral placenta. According to our study lateral placenta and pregnancy induced hypertension, have no significant association.