Abstract: Introduction: Abnormal uterine bleeding is known to cause substantial effect on health related quality of life, loss of productivity and economic burden due to medications and surgical interventions. Obesity has been suggested as a risk factor for abnormal uterine bleeding. It is also an important risk factor for complex hyperplasia and endometrial cancer in premenopausal women.
Aims and Objective: The aim of our study was to assess the body mass index of the patients with abnormal uterine bleeding and study the prevalence of overweight and obese patients in the study group.
Methods: After excluding the major organic and systemic causes of uterine bleeding, 32 patients were diagnosed as AUB and enrolled in the study. BMI of each subject was calculated and subjects were classified as underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. Age and duration of symptoms were also noted and studied.
Results: The mean BMI noted in our study group was 27.92 ± 3.04 and ranged between18.4-34 Kg/m² with 81% patients having BMI above normal. Mean age of our study group was 37.65 ± 5.23 years. It ranged between 28 and 48 years. The mean duration of abnormal uterine bleeding in our study group was 2.71 ± 1.39.
Conclusion: Our study concludes that there is a definite correlation between high body mass index and abnormal uterine bleeding. Therefore, there is a need to emphasize on weight reduction as preventive measure for AUB and as a part of conservative treatment.