Abstract: Background: The menopause is the time of a women’s life when reproductive capacity ceases. The present study was conducted to assess menopausal and associated ailments in women.
Materials & Methods: The present study was conducted on 524 women of age range 40- 50 years of age. General information such as name, age etc. was recorded. Information regarding family history, menstrual history, presenting health problem, past history, personal history and dietary history was obtained.
Results: Age group <40 years had 50 patients, 40-45 years had 324 and 45-50 years had 150 patients. The difference was significant (P<0.05). Common symptoms were hot flushes in 12, heart discomfort in10, joint and muscular discomfort in 25, anxiety in 30, irritability in 42, sleep disorder in 61, sexual problem in 24 and bladder problem in 17.
Conclusion: Most common symptoms were hot flushes, heart discomfort, joint and muscular discomfort, anxiety, irritability, sleep disorder, sexual problem and bladder problem.