Abstract: The Carcinoma of cervix is commonly seen in fifth decade of life though it is initiated almost 8 to 10 years earlier. This is a crucial period with wide span in which if we act appropriately, we can avoid the disease or cure it completely. There are many screening methods which have different sensitivity and specificity. This study is intended to search out suitable and easy method of cervical carcinoma screening.
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the patients having white discharge or other genitourinary complaints by cytology, colposcopy and histopathology. 2) To find the individual efficacy of cytology, colposcopy in correlation with histopathology and combined correlation of these modalities.
Materials and methods: Following study was conducted on 100 patients coming to Gynaecology OPD with gynaecological complaints after obtaining consent.
Results: In present study, the positive predictive value (PPV) of cytology as well as colposcopy was high for detection of malignancy than benign lesions and LSIL. The negative predictive value of cytology for CIN 3 was high (95.92%) as compared to CIN 1(81.63%). Specificity was found low in colposcopy for CIN1 (95.06%) as compared to PAP smear (98.77%).
Conclusion: Cytology and colposcopy combined can become a better method for screening in perspective of high sentivity, specificity and positive predictive value.