Abstract: Purpose: Abdominal pregnancy, a variety of ectopic pregnancy which, is rare and difficult to diagnose. Its symptomatology is polymorphous and the treatment is surgical.
Objective: To study the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of this pathology.
Methods: It has been a prospective study of seventeen cases of abdominal pregnancy operated by laparotomy from January 2015 to December 2017 in the department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at CHU Sylvanus Olympio in Lomé.
The data were directly collected using structured questionnaire.
Results: The frequency of abdominal pregnancy at the CHU-SO in Lomé is high. It’s estimated at 1 over 1556 deliveries, namely 3.99% of whole ectopic pregnancies. The Symptomatology was dominated by abdominal and pelvic pain (94.11%). In the majority of cases (10/17), the diagnosis was done after the first trimester of the pregnancy. The confirmation of the diagnosis was made in 52.95% of cases with ultrasound. All the patients survived after operation. The fetal prognosis was bad (2/17 children survived). In 88.24% of cases, the placenta was completely removed.
Conclusion: The abdominal pregnancy is a disease of people living in areas with low health coverage and those who have low socio-economic level. It brings out a diagnosis and therapeutic matter. Ultrasound helps to confirm diagnosis. Although the perinatal prognosis is still bad, the maternal one is relatively good.