Abstract: Introduction: H1N1 influenza infection is known to cause severe morbidity and mortality in pregnant women. Perinatal morbidity and mortality is also increased due to neonatal disease, prematurity and stillbirth. World Health Organization has identified pregnant and postpartum women as a high risk group.
Method: A retrospective observational study was carried out to study the clinical profile and maternal –perinatal outcome in pregnant women critically –ill with H1N1 infection at a tertiary care rural medical college of Gujarat.
Results: 13 patients fulfilled the admission criteria. There were 4 maternal deaths in the study group. Delay in reporting to the hospital, associated co-morbidities like anemia, bronchial asthma, gestational hypertension was the common factor in pregnant women succumbing to influenza. None of the pregnant women admitted to Intensive care had received Influenza vaccination.
Conclusion: Delay in diagnosis and management is associated with poor maternal and perinatal outcome. Influenza vaccination awareness among high risk groups can help in reducing morbidity and mortality due to H1N1 infection.