Abstract: Objective: This study was designed to compare the Misgave Ladach technique versus conventional technique of caesarian deliveries.
Method: This was a prospective study conducted on 160 women undergoing a primary LSCS for various indications. Patients were randomly divided in to two groups of 80 each; group A underwent LSCS by Misgave Ladach technique and group B by conventional method. A per–operative and short term post-operative outcome of both groups were compared.
Result: Maternal age, parity, gestational age and indication for caesarean deliveries were similar across groups The operating time, incision delivery interval and post-op pain was significantly reduced in group underwent LSCS by Misgave Ladach method in compare to group who underwent LSCS by conventional technique.
Conclusion: Misgave Ladach method may provide a faster technique and cost effective method of LSCS.