Abstract: The bilateral internal iliac / hypo gastric artery ligation (BIIAL) vs. other surgical procedures for the management of pelvic hemorrhage.
Aims & Objectives: To find out its (BIIAL) effectiveness. Study design:-clinical, interventional, prospective randomized control trial (r.c.t).
Place & Duration: In the dep’t of g & o, ipgme & r-sskm hospital Kolkata, west Bengal, India, more than one (1) year.
Methods & Materials: After getting ethics approval, about one hundred (100 -patients) of pelvic hemorrhage patients (Due to obstetrics & gynecological in origins) selected, randomized and allowed into two groups for management point of view like:-gr. a (n=50) =cases -by bilateral int. iliac artery ligation (BIIAL) & gr-b (n=50) =controls –by other surgical procedures (Compression sutures-lynch stitches, stepwise- uterus- ovarian vessels ligation, exploratory laparotomy with proceeds may end with hysterectomy).
Results & Analysis: The results of individual group (Gr.A & Gr.B), assessed (pry & sec. outcome), analyzed, represented with statistical significant accordingly showed that there are better outcomes in B.I.I.A.L. in all aspects with zero mortality.
Conclusion: Whatever may be the etiology, being operating surgeon must do BIIAL first than proceeds to control fatal pelvic hemorrhage.