Abstract: Background: Anemia in pregnancy has always been a topic of great Interst. Iron deficiency anemia holds the largest share of 88% in developing countries. Maternal iron is the sole source of iron until 6 months so, it is very logical to question the extension of effect of maternal iron deficiency anemia on the fetus during and beyond its stay in the womb. The hematological values of Newborns depend on several factors.
Methods: This was a Cross – Sectional & Prospective type of study. Total 200 patients were included, out of which 105 had normal haemoglobin levels and 95 had anemia of varying degree. When they presented to our hospital in Labor, blood samples were collected and sent for testing. Cord blood was collected at birth of the Newborn and results compared.
Results: No significant difference was found between most of the hematological parameters of Newborns of Anemic as well as non anemic mothers. Blood parameters like Hb, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, serum iron, transferring saturation and TIBC were all non-significant in both the groups. It was seen that the parameters in neonates were normal irrespective of the maternal anemic status.
Conclusions: Hence, we concluded that Newborns of Anemic mothers have equally normal hematological parameters as those of non anemic mothers. No significant difference was found at birth.