Abstract: Background: The causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and its differential diagnosis are heterogeneous and complex. TAS, TVS and histopathological investigations were found to be controversial. MRI is an advanced, noninvasive and can be an accurate diagnostic imaging modality in AUB diagnosis.
Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the role MRI in abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) patients.
Methods: It was a prospective, analytical study where 101 patients with complaints suggestive of abnormal uterine bleeding, with varying the age of 31-84 years as well as those who underwent surgery were evaluated. Proper history clinical and systemic examination was done. After which each patient was planned for MRI. On the basis of age, parity, desire to have further pregnancy, medical conditions, MRI diagnosis, treatment strategy was planned.
Result: The maximum number of patients fall in the age group of 31-50 years with mean age 47.4 years. Parity 2 was highest followed by nulliparity, 22.77% patients have acute while 77.23% have chronic onset menstrual complaints
Menorrhagia in 68 patients, Heavy Menstrual bleeding (HMB) in 36 (35.69%) and Heavy and Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding (HPMB) in 32 (31.68%), 21(20.79%) patients were found. Most common systemic disease was Hypothyroidism. Myoma was most common followed by Adenomyosis alone and with combination of Adenomyosis and myoma.
Conclusion: When clinical diagnosis is not confirmed and sonography is deceptive inspite of normal findings the patient remains symptomatic, MRI stands to be promising and accurate imaging modality.