Abstract: Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, particularly pre-eclampsia, are responsible for 10% to 15% of maternal deaths. The present study was conducted to compare LDH in preeclampsia versus normotensive pregnant women.
Materials & Methods: The present study was conducted on 120 pre- eclampsia pregnant women age ranged 18-36 years of third trimester. Equal number of healthy women (group I) was taken as control. Patients were divided into mild preeclampsia (60) (group II- SBP >140 to <160mm Hg, DBP >90 to < 110 mm Hg) and severe preeclampsia patients (60) (group III- SBP > 160mm Hg, DBP > 110mm Hg). In all patients LDH level, BMI and proteinuria was determined.
Results: Serum LDH level was significantly higher in preeclamptics compared to those of control. LDH was significantly higher in severe preeclamptics than those of mild preeclamptics.
Conclusion: Authors found that there was significantly higher level of LDH in eclampsia and preeclampsia women as compared to normotensive women.