Abstract: Objective: To study the perinatal outcome in labour complicated with meconium stained amniotic fluid.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted in the department of OBG, Al Ameen Medical College Vijayapura over a period of 18 months. A total of 200 pregnant women after 37 completed weeks with singleton pregnancy with cephalic presentation with meconium stained amniotic fluid were included in the study after taking detailed history and doing complete examination.
Result: Out of 200 patients, 55% were multigravidas and 45% primigravidas. Thin meconium was seen in 76% cases and thick in 24% cases. Association between type of meconium and neonatal complication was found to be statistically significant (P = 0.001). FHR abnormalities were high with thick MSAF group (45.8%). LSCS was mode of delivery for 45.8% patients in thick MSAF group and 54% delivered vaginally in the same group. Poor neonatal outcome in the form of low APGAR score at birth (27%), MAS (5%) and NICU admission (25%) was seen in 16% Thick MSAF group and 2% of thin MSAF group. Out of 10 babies who developed MAS 6 had uneventful postnatal life, 2 had neuro-developmental handicap and 2 mortalities.
Conclusion: MSAF with FHR abnormalities, increased rates of caesarean deliveries, caused birth asphyxia, MAS and increased NICU admission rates.