Abstract: Introduction: New global estimates show that in 2014, approximately 10.6% of all live births globally were preterm. Preterm birth is the leading cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity. Preterm birth complicates 5-10% of pregnancies, but accounts for 85% of perinatal morbidity and mortality1. Cervix has a significant role in the aetiology, prevention and treatment of preterm labor1. Cervical factor is responsible for 17% of cases of preterm labor2.
Methodology: Hospital based prospective study. Study included pregnant women attending the labor room or admitted in antenatal ward of RVM institute of medical sciences and Research Center, Siddipet district, Telangana state, conducted from March 2019 to January 2020. Sixty cases were included in this study by following inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: 53% of study group are in the age group of 21-25 years, Minimum age of the subject was16 years and maximum is 32 years. Most of them admitted were in between the gestation age of 34-36wk i.e. 39 (65%) pregnant women. Out of 60 pregnant women 21 (35%) had cervical length <2.5cm and 39 women (65%) had cervical length ≥2.5 cm measured by TVS. Out of 60 pregnant women 36 (60%) had cervical length <2.5 cm and 24 (40%) women had cervical length ≥2.5cm measured by digital examination.
Conclusion: Transvaginal ultrasonic measurement is considered to be the most accurate method of measuring the cervical length when compared to cervical length measurement by digital examination.