Abstract: Objectives: This study was to compare two routes of hysterectomy for benign uterine conditions of < 12 weeks in respect to duration of surgery, complications, requirement for blood transfusion and hospital stay between abdominal and vaginal route of hysterectomy.
Material & methods: This was a prospective interventional single centre study on 100 consecutive patients (50 patients in each group) who underwent hysterectomy for benign uterine conditions either by Non-Descended Vaginal Hysterectomy or by Total Abdominal Hysterectomy route.
Results: For Non Descended Vaginal Hysterectomy, operative time (47.08 ±5.8 minutes) vs. (61.02± 5.51minutes) (p Value - <0.001), Blood loss (74.16±11.75 ml) vs. (124.8±15.56 ml) (p value <0.001), pain score (3.1±1.45) vs, 4.37± 1.52) (p value <0.001), mean ambulation time (36.3±5.79 hours) vs. 54.56± 8.30 (p value <0.001 and hospital stay (5.28±1.5 days) vs 8.6±2.31days) were significantly lower compare to Total Abdominal Hysterectomy group. For Non-Descended Vaginal Hysterectomy, postoperative fever (6% patients vs 24% (p value 0.025), wound infections (2% patients) vs. 14% patients (p value 0.019) and paralytic ileus (2% vs. 16% patients (p value .036) were significantly lower than Total Abdominal Hysterectomy.
Conclusion: Compare to TAH, Hysterectomy by NDVH route found to have less time for surgery, less amount of blood loss, fewer complications & early ambulation and discharge.