Abstract: Introduction: First trimester bleed is common symptom of pregnancy, complicating 16-25% of all pregnancies. Nearly 50% of pregnancies land up in abortions and the rest land up with poor maternal and fetal outcomes.
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate whether threatened abortion makes pregnancy high risk and has effect on maternal and neonatal outcome.
Materials and Methods:It is a prospective study done at hospitals attached to BMCRI during August 2015-August 2017. A total of 300 patients were included in the study, of these, 150 patients had threatened abortion (Group A) and 150 patients were as control group (Group B) without vaginal bleed.2 groups were compared with Data regarding age, parity, symptoms, obstetric history, examination, co morbidities, pregnancy period, live birth or pregnancy loss, preterm,birth weight and APGAR, investigation findings, associated pathology and treatment modality. They were tabulated and analysed.
Results: Incidence of preterm delivery, abortions, low fetal weight, and PROM was increased in threatened abortion group. Mean pregnancy period was in threatened miscarriage group was 243 days; in control group was 263 days. There was adverse influence of maternal age and abortion history on outcomes in pregnancies with threatened miscarriage. However sex of the fetuses and Apgar values after 1 and 5 minutes were similar between two groups.
Conclusion:Threatened miscarriage is an important situation to predict both the maternal and fetal outcomes in late pregnancy. Maternal obstetric history on previous pregnancies should be questioned. It is therefore essential to consider these pregnancies as high risk group and provide careful antenatal care.