Abstract: Introduction: It is estimated that around 60-70% of preterm conveyances are likely because of subclinical infective or provocative causes. The current report was undertaken with an aim to study the role of vaginal infections in preterm labour.
Methodology: This prospective observational study was conducted in OB&GY Department of Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College and Research Center. A total of 137 subjects, 102 in the case group and 35 in the control group were enrolled. Subjects in case group were divided into three groups, group 1 (n=31) had preterm labor without preterm delivery, group 2 (n=37) had preterm labor and spontaneously progressed to labor while group 3 (n=34) had preterm labor and were medically induced into labor for various reasons.
Result: In the present study most females were primigravida and were underweight belonged to lower socioeconomic strata. Majority had no history of abortion. Culture of vaginal discharge revealed that organisms were isolated in significantly higher proportion of subjects in PTL, S-PTB & M-PTB group as compared to control group. In the PTL, S-PTB, M-PTB and control group the commonest organisms were mixed microbes (27.27%), candida albicans (23.08%), Escherichia coli (22.22%) / Gardnerella vaginalis (22.22%) and Escherichia coli (25.00%) / Streptococcus agalactiae (25.00%), respectively. Most organisms were sensitive to the commonly used antibiotics. None of the organisms isolated was resistant to colistin.
Conclusion: Vaginal infection is commonly associated with preterm labor.