Abstract: Background: Episiotomy is common method used during childbirth. It cannot be done in all the conditions due to development of complications during and after delivery. The present study aimed to evaluate maternal outcome in primigravida delivering with routine episiotomy and with selective episiotomy.
Materials and Methods: This study included total 500 patients based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. They were divided into two groups each of 250. Group-I subjected to routine episiotomy and group - II selective episiotomy. Both groups were explained study procedure and informed consent was obtained. All the patients demographic, clinical, material complications during surgery and after surgery was recorded and analysed. SPSS (16.0) version was used for analysis.
Results: Comparison of age between the groups not showed any significant difference. In both groups maximum patients had 1-3 duration of married life. In both groups maximum patients underwent FTND with RMLE procedure compare to others. At one min most of the patients in group-I and II showed 5-6 APGAR score and at 5 min 6 - 8 score. Group - I showed significant difference in hospital stay compared to group - II. Significant difference was observed compared material complications during surgery and till discharge between the group - I and II.
Conclusion: The study results showed that maternal complications develop more in selective episiotomy than routine episiotomy.