Abstract: Introduction: Adolescent period is considered crucial as they go through many physiological, biological changes. Menstrual disturbances seem to be very common among adolescents. Most common being due to the immature hypothalamo pituitary ovarian axis and anovulation due to that. The common disorders include amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome and abnormal uterine bleeding. Pathological gynecological problems are uncommon in this age group.
Objectives: A study of common disorders in adolescents with normal disturbances.
Methods: A randomised prospective study was conducted on the adolescent girls of age group 12-19 years attending Raja Muthiah Medical College Hospital, Outpatient Department. With menstrual disorders.
Results: In an incidental study conducted on 75 adolescent girls attended outpatient department. Oligomenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, secondary amenorrhoea, Abnormal uterine bleeding are found as common menstrual disturbances. On evaluating these patients, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Obesity and to some extent hypothyroidism was found.
Conclusion: Proper understanding of normal and abnormal menstrual cycle is necessary to direct the patients towards appropriate investigations and management. This article deals with common disorders in adolescents with menstrual disturbances.