International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2021, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part D
Post caesarean uterine scar hematoma: Managed conservatively
Author(s): Dr. Chandralekha Biswas
Abstract: Post Caesarean uterine scar hematoma is a postoperative unusual complication. Raising incidence of caesarean section is a global concern, especially in the low resource countries [1, 2]. This is a case report of 26yrs old lady was undergone emergency caesarean section due to foetal distress with breech presentation. Operation was uneventful. From IST postoperative day, mother was complaining of lower abdominal pain. On examination, it was revealed that comparatively sluggish peristoltic sound with mild pallor. Sonographical evaluation showed a localised collection (hematoma) approx. 7cmx4cm in size, just anterior to uterine scar. Mother received conservative management with regular son graphical and pathological evaluation. On 2nd postoperative day, maximum size of collection was approx.8.cmx5cm, then gradually decreased. On 16th postoperative day USG showed that the size of collection was approx. 2cmx1. 4cm. Mother was discharged with advice to follow up after one week.