Abstract: Anaemia is the most common haematological disorder in pregnancy. It is a major public health problem in developing countries. According to WHO, 2 billion people are anaemic all over the world. Among them, 50% are due to iron deficiency. Iron deficiency can occur at any stage of life. Iron-deficiency anemia affects the motor and cognitive development, causes fatigue and low productivity in young adults. If there arereduced ironstores in childhood can cause impaired immunity and delayed monarchy. Anaemia in adolescent girls may lead to increased maternal mortality in later life.
Aim and Objectives: To determine the prevalence and associated factors of anaemia among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at Kilpauk Medical College To do an early intervention in the first and second trimester by evaluating risk factors. To reduce the incidence of blood transfusion in the third trimester by evaluating the risk factors.
Material and Methods
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Study Period: February 2018 to January 2019
Sample Size: 150 anaemic women
Study Area: Government Kilpauk Medical College
Study Population: Antenatal mothers with gestational age more than 28 weeks undergoing blood transfusion in Government Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai.
Results and Conclusion: From this study, we have found that there is a correlation between the number of antenatal visits and anaemia. If the antenatal visits are more than the ideal visits, severity of anaemia is reduced as they are constantly encouraged and monitored for supplemental iron tablet, parenteral iron therapy, and deworming.
Another factor is that acute blood loss leads to anaemia and they should be managed by obstetric haemorrhage protocol. Anaemiais one of the associated factors of chronic diseases like renal insufficiency and such patients should be managed by proper iron supplementation and dietary iron.
Hence by reducing these risk factors we can prevent anaemia thus reducing maternal mortality and morbidity.