Abstract: Objective: Management of rare case of pregnancy associated with Ludwig Angina.
Material and Method: An unbooked primigravida with 34 weeks of gestation presented in emergency with c/o swelling over neck since 5 days, with pain in left lower quadrant tooth since 10 days is being discussed in this case report. A detailed history regarding pregnancy & complaints was taken and diagnosed as Ludwig’s angina. Antenatal care was given along with dental care & antibiotic coverage. Considering the chances of preterm delivery antenatal steroids were given. Patient managed with multidisciplinary approach
Results: Tracheostomy was done along with incision and drainage, followed by emergency Cesarean section two days post- tracheostomy for both maternal and fetal benefit.
Conclusion: Pregnancy with Ludwig’s angina is a rare, life threatening condition requiring early aggressive therapy with antibiotics, incision and drainage and protection of the airway. Periodontal infection like this may lead to preterm delivery. Good hygiene along with periodontal assessment should be a one of the component of obstetric care.