Abstract: Background: The journey of pregnancy and labour is a re-birth to woman. Though it is physiological process, this journey can be fatal any moment for both mother and baby. The purpose to monitor labour is to recognize incipient problems which may be prevented with timely intervention. The partogram was recommended and modified by WHO to monitor the fetal and maternal wellbeing during active phase of labour. The aim of the study was to assess the role of partogram in the labour analysis of primigravida and study the maternal and fetal outcome and mode of delivery.
Methods: Study of 150 cases of primigravida with term pregnancy in spontaneous labour admitted to labour room was conducted. Labour progress was monitored using WHO partogram to detect any deviation from normal course. Based on partogram patients were divided into three groups. Patients who delivered before alert line – Group I, between alert and action line – Group II, delivered after crossing action line –Group III. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were assessed.
Results: Out of 150 cases analysed in this study 132 (88%) belonged to group I, whereas 18 (12%) were in group II and there were no cases in group III. A total of 123(82%) had spontaneous vaginal delivery, 8(5.33%) had assisted vaccum delivery and 19(12.66%) had caesarean section.
Conclusion: This study concludes that partograph serves as early warning system and assist in early decision of augmentation and termination of labour. It has shown to be effective in preventing prolonged labour and in reducing operative interference.