Abstract: Introduction: Supporting someone through pregnancy, labour and newborn baby care is an important job. Whether you are the baby’s father, the pregnant woman’s partner or are supporting a single mother-to-be, you have a crucial role in ensuring she gets the support she needs during this life-changing time. Pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster, and for some women, it can feel like the longest nine months of their lives.
Discussion: During prenatal and postnatal pregnancy, family plays a prominent role. Family support is a must to a pregnant lady because that healthy impact on a pregnant lady conceives a healthy baby. Family bonding should be both mentally and physically. Prenatal and postnatal pregnant woman goes under severe stress without her knowledge. The family has to take care of her, by eradicating all the stress. Here family means both maternal and paternal bonding, firstly comes husband’s understanding.
Conclusion: Counseling and communication effectively with women on self-care in the home during pregnancy with cultural and religious beliefs in the community affects the care a pregnant woman receives in the home and the support she receives from her partner and family. This helps us to assess how to involve partners and other key family members in counselling.