International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2021, Vol. 5, Issue 3, Part C
Role of labour admission test (CTG) in high risk pregnancies: An observational study at a tertiary hospital
Author(s): Dr. Shazia Nisar
Abstract: Labour admission test as the name implies refers to conduction of CTG at the time of admission to labour room. It is short 20 minute study of fetal heart rate monitoring with uterine contraction. Labour admission test helps to traige high risk patients so that time is not wasted in a busy labour room. This test is especially useful. In high risk pregnancies with risk factors like preclampsia, Diabetes, anemia, rhesus alloimmunisation etc. Those with normal CTG are subjected for repeat test after 4 hours if they remain undelivered. While as those with non-reactive CTG are subjected for termination of pregnancy.
Dr. Shazia Nisar. Role of labour admission test (CTG) in high risk pregnancies: An observational study at a tertiary hospital. Int J Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2021;5(3):160-162. DOI: 10.33545/gynae.2021.v5.i3c.919