Abstract: Background: Eclampsia is a life threatening emergency, and continues to be a major cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The purpose of our study was to analyse the cases of eclampsia in a tertiary care centre and to study the maternal and perinatal outcome.
Methodology: This was a retrospective study of 7 Years, from January 2013 to December 2019. Case records of all eclamptic patients during this period were analyzed.
Results: The incidence of eclampsia in our hospital was 0.7%. Majority of the patients were less than 25 years, and 95% were unbooked. Antepartum eclampsia accounted for 90% of cases. Main maternal complications included PPH, Abruption and HELLP syndrome. There was no maternal mortality.
Conclusion: Eclampsia is still a serious complication of pregnancy. Timely referral to higher centre, appropriate management of pre-eclampsia can prevent eclampsia.