Abstract: Introduction: Postpartum haemorrhage is one of the leading causes of death in women who deliver after 20 weeks of gestation. The prevalence of PPH in India is 23%. Delayed diagnosis and poor management of PPH are associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
Material and Methods: This prospective randomised controlled study was conducted on one thousand women at period of gestation ≥37 weeks for vaginal delivery.
Aim and Objectives: To evaluate the role of tranexamic acid in decreasing blood loss after normal vaginal delivery.
Results: Majority of women belonged to 21-25 years age group in both the group. Blood loss at 3rd stage of labour in TXA group was 376.12±63.82 ml and in control group it was 654.08±86.61 ml. The mean haemoglobin reduction (pre-post) suggested that tranexamic acid group (0.44±4.3) had a significantly less haemoglobin drop as compared to control group (1.850±0.58). There was significant less fall in mean haemoglobin percentage (3.86% versus 16.15%) and mean haematocrit percentage (3.80% versus 12.72%) in TXA group as compared to control group. Forty four (8.8%) women in TXA group and seventy eight women (15.6%) in control group had postpartum haemorrhage. Twenty one (4.2%) women received blood transfusion in TXA group and forty four (8.8%) women in control group. Forty four women had PPH and out of which, 33 (6.6%) were managed medically and in 11 (2.2%) women, balloon tamponade was used along with additional uterotonics for control of PPH. In control group, a total of 78 (15.6%) women had PPH and 55 (11%) were managed by medically and 23(4.6%) by balloon tamponade along with additional uterotonics for control of PPH. The most common side effect was nausea/vomiting observed in both the groups.
Conclusion: Tranexamic acid was found to be safe and effective in reducing blood loss after normal vaginal delivery. There was less drop in haemoglobin and haematocrit in tranexamic acid group which reduced the risk of blood transfusion and additional uterotonics.