Abstract: Background: Partogragh is a greek word meaning “Labour curve” which is a graphic recording of progress of labour and the maternal and fetal condition during labour against a time scale. It serves as an early warning system and assists in early decision making on transfer, augmentation and termination of labour
Material and Methods: This Prospective randomised comparitive study of 100 cases each of primigravida and multigravida after meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria. conducted at Al ameen Medical College, Vijayapur for a period of one and half yrs from Dec 2018 to Jan 2020.
All patients, spontaneous or induced labor, in first stage of labor with cervical dilatation more than or equal to 4 cms, singleton pregnancy of more than 36 weeks, in cephalic presentation, without any medical or obstetric complications were included. Partogram was constructed according to WHO guidelines and labor managed accordingly.
Results: Spontaneous labor was 90.5% compared to induced labor which was 9.5% in total. The mean duration of first stage in primi was 5 hrs 10 mins and 4hrs 20min in multi with a statistical significance. The mean duration of second stage in primi and multi were 30.8min and 20.7 mins respectively. Timely intervention in the form of operative vaginal delivery/ LSCS in prolonged labor cases yielded favourable outcome. Neonatal outcome was good in 91% primi and 92% multi, the most common neonatal complication was birth asphyxia.
Conclusion: This study has shown that using the partograph can be highly effective in reducing complications from prolonged labor for both the mother and the neonate. It has shown to be effective in preventing prolonged labor, in reducing operative intervention and in improving the neonatal outcome.