Abstract: Background: Childbearing women and newborn infants require safe family centered care during current COVID19 pandemic as they represent the vulnerable population.
Aims and Objectives: This study aims to determine mode of delivery in pregnant women with COVID-19 and the indications reported for caesarean section in the early pandemic to raise awareness of the trends discovered.
Methods and Materials: A study was done among 50 pregnant COVID 19 positive women of reproductive age group in 6 months from July 2020 to January 2021 in department of obstetrics & gynae Muzaffarnagar Medical College.
Results: Total 50 pregnant COVID19 positive women were included in this study. Out of 50 subjects, 42 under-went caesarean section, most common indication being previous LSCS history (14) & fetal distress (14) and not COVID 19 by itself and 8 underwent normal vaginal delivery. Out of 50 deliveries occurred, 40 delivered normal child. Maternal death occurred in 2 (4%) cases and majority (35) women had positive chest Xray findings.
Conclusion: Mode of delivery should not be influenced by presence of COVID-19 unless the women’s respiratory condition needs urgent intervention for birth.