Abstract: Background and Method: The study was an observational study which was conducted at Sri Aurobindo Medical College and Postgraduate Institute, Indore in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology after the Institutional Ethics Committee clearance with an aim to Evaluation of non-invasive and invasive tests in Women with Post-Menopausal Bleeding. We included all postmenopausal women who presented any time after one year of menopause with postmenopausal bleeding. Detailed history, clinical examination, per speculum and per vaginal examination were done systematically to evaluate the clinical diagnosis of postmenopausal bleeding. A thorough general systemic and per vaginal examination were done. Investigations including both invasive and noninvasive test were advised.
Result: As far as the findings of Endometrial Biopsy is concerned, in 24 cases, there was proliferative phase endometrium and in 13 cases, it was secretory phase endometrium. In maximum No. of cases (30 cases), the cervical biopsy was not done, whereas in 24 cases, it was unremarkable, but in equal No. of cases, it was found to be with chronic cervicitis. On PAP smear examination, in 22 cases, it was Grade 2 inflammation, whereas 2 cases each, it was Senile Vaginitis and HSIL. In 47 cases, it was Bulky Uterus, whereas it was atrophic uterus in 8 cases on USG examination. It was NOT DONE in 7 cases.
Conclusion: Duration of postmenopausal bleed was from 1 month to 2 years. Post-menopausal bleeding is a gynecological entity that requires extensive investigative actions so as to delineate its exact cause and treat it accordingly. In our study, amongst non-invasive procedures TVS and amongst invasive procedures cervical biopsy was most accurate, from which we inferred that once TVS is suggestive of ET>4 mm, is when we should take the patient up for any invasive procedure.