Abstract: This study aims to know the different histopathological changes occurring in Abnormal uterine bleeding and correlate the endometrial pattern with clinical behavior.
Methodology: All women with the complaint of menstrual irregularities with no apparent organic pathology are selected, and bleeding patterns are recorded using pictorial blood loss assessment chart (PBAC) and d&c done, compared with histopathological reports.
Results: Among the 50 patients with AUB, the prevalence is 28% at the age of 36-40 years and 58% are parous women, and 36% are with frequent menstrual cycles, and 26% are related to heavy menstrual bleeding among them proliferative endometrium accounts 46%.
Conclusion: AUB is more prevalent in 36-40year age and increases with an increase in parity. With common clinical symptomatology, women with abnormal uterine bleeding were predominantly associated with frequent menstrual patterns and heavy menstrual bleeding. Menstrual disturbances are primarily due to anovulation comparing with histopathology.