International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2021, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part E
Awareness, attitude and practices of breast-feeding among mothers at a secondary care centre in Himachal Pradesh
Author(s): Dr. Abhey Minhas and Dr. Kanika Sharma
Abstract: Background: The knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding is affected by various factors like demographic, social and cultural. About two-thirds of under-five deaths in India are associated with inappropriate feeding practices. Objective of this study was to assess the awareness, knowledge and practice of breastfeeding among the mothers attending the outpatient department of a secondary care institute in Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh. Methods: This hospital-based, cross-sectional study included 100 mothers who had atleast one live child and attended antenatal and postnatal clinics at the secondary care hospital at Hamirpur collecting data about breastfeeding knowledge and practices using a close ended pre-formed questionnaire. Results: The breastfeeding practices in terms of initiation, feeding colostrums, timing and frequency of feeding and inclusion of pre-lacteal feeds had room for improvement. The breastfeeding knowledge and attitude was good among women as depicted by 78% women initiating the feeding within first half hour of child birth. 70% women knew about the importance of colostrum. Conclusions: The mothers had poor knowledge regarding adverse effects of pre-lacteal feeds and pacifiers. Most women had very little knowledge about expressed breast milk. There was a positive attitude about exclusive breastfeeding, frequency of feeding and social aspects of breastfeeding.
Dr. Abhey Minhas, Dr. Kanika Sharma. Awareness, attitude and practices of breast-feeding among mothers at a secondary care centre in Himachal Pradesh. Int J Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2021;5(4):270-272. DOI: 10.33545/gynae.2021.v5.i4e.996