Abstract: Background: Vaginal infection caused by bacteria is called bacterial vaginosis. In reproductive age women, it is common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge.
Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between decreasing preterm labour rate and bacterial vaginosis by screening and treating pregnant women.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective case control study which was carried out in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. This was conducted during period from August 2018 to November 2019. In this study, 100 pregnant women were selected. 75 pregnant women were considered as test cases and 25 pregnant women were considered as controls.
Results: Bacterial vaginosis incidence was 37% in study group and 24% in control group and this showed high statistical difference (p<0.001). 60% cases were unbooked cases and were common in preterm labour and maximum women were from rural areas (70%) and were of lower socioeconomic class (55%). Commonly, preterm labour was seen in women of age group 21-30 years and in primigravidae (40%). Bacterial vaginosis was associated with low birth weight and was significantly associated with puerperal sepsis.
Conclusion: Majority of vaginitis cases is caused by bacterial vaginosis and is asymptomatic in more than half of cases. The association of bacterial vaginosis and preterm labour, low birth weight and puerperal sepsis is proven by present study.