International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2021, Vol. 5, Issue 6, Part C
A Descriptive clinical study on Placenta Praevia at a tertiary care hospital
Author(s): Dr. Shirly Kurian and Dr. Mallikarjuna M
Abstract: Aetiology of placenta praevia is obscure. It is caused by low implantation of the blastocyst at a site low in uterine cavity. The cause of low implantation is unknown, but certain factors are known to predispose to development of placenta praevia. All patients who came with history of painless bleeding per vagina after 28 weeks of gestation were hospitalized. A thorough history of vaginal bleeding (warning haemorrhage) was taken .Cases with confirmed diagnosis of placenta praevia on ultrasonography were included in the study. Placental anomalies were present in 4 (4.76 percent) cases, out of which, 2 cases (2.38 percent) were of adherent placenta. Placenta was removed in piece meal and PPH was controlled by bimanual compression and injection prostodin and methergin.
Dr. Shirly Kurian, Dr. Mallikarjuna M. A Descriptive clinical study on Placenta Praevia at a tertiary care hospital. Int J Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2021;5(6):176-178. DOI: 10.33545/gynae.2021.v5.i6c.1079