Abstract: Background: It is estimated that about 68,000-70,000 deaths occur from unsafe abortions annually, with 97% of this occurring in developing countries. The reality that almost 35% of these worldwide deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa Countries alone is a lot to think about.
Aim of Article: This article seeks to bring to better lamplight the direct and indirect proportional relationship between contraceptive uptake, unwanted pregnancies, abortion laws and unsafe abortions. To suggest for better abortion law reforms to reduce maternal mortalities from unsafe abortions.
Discussion/Conclusion: Comprehensive male sex education, modern methods of pregnancy prevention and Reformed laws on Therapeutic Safe Abortion Care are key paths that should be taken more seriously in the quest to end the menace of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Restrictive abortion laws only further fuel the pathology of unsafe abortion in sub-Saharan Africa. We need to legalize safe abortion care and in fact, illegalize unsafe abortion services and/or procurement.