Abstract: Introduction: Incidence of placenta previa is 3-5 per 1000 pregnancies. Placenta previa includes: (i) Placenta previa i.e. when placenta lies directly over the internal os. (ii) Low lying placenta i.e. when the lower edge of placenta is within 20mm distance from internal os.
Objectives: The objective of the study was to determine the incidence, obstetric risk factors, obstetric management, maternal complications including mortality and fetal outcome in patients presenting with placenta previa.
Methodology: A retrospective study was conducted over a period of 1 year in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, tertiary health care Government Maternity hospital, Andhra Pradesh. A total of 53 women with placenta previa were enrolled in this study and necessary information was noted and analysed.
Results: About 0.9% of the deliveries were complicated with placenta previa among which 12.3% of women with >30years, 76.7% of women were multigravida, 32.9% of women with prior c-sections, 27.4% of women had prior abortions, 52% of women had major degree of placenta previa, 100% of women delivered by caesarean delivery, 34.2% of women had PPH with 4% mortality and 31.5% perinatal mortality.
Conclusion: Placenta previa is one of the life threatening complication of pregnancy and its incidence is rising probably parallel to the rise in abortions and c-sections, about 60% of cases with placenta previa had prior surgical procedures. Meticulous management of placenta previa is important in order to reduce maternal and fetal complications.