Abstract: Aims and Objectives: To investigate the gynecological issues prevailing in adolescent and puberty patients. To assess different symptoms and issues during the OPD with respect to age and marital status.
Methods: The present study is an observational study of patients of 10-19-year-old at Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally over a 6-month period. 36 patients symptoms and their severity, duration are documented, detailed examination is done and all investigations needed are performed.
Result: In OPD and emergency 36 teens were examined. Most cases are 17-19 yrs. 25% of teenagers were married. Several adolescent girls had infrequent cycles, heavy menstrual bleeding, and amenorrhea. Abnormal uterine bleeding due to PCOS seen in 50% of instances, Teenage pregnancies are also profound in study group and noted as 22.5%.
Conclusion: Abnormal uterine bleeding-Ovulatory dysfunction (PCOS) is the most frequent gynaecological condition in adolescents. Before considering normal physiological transition, evaluate bleeding concerns. Increasing AUB (PCOS) in teenagers is due to childhood obesity, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, popularity of junk foods, and stress. Health education programmes at the grassroots level should raise knowledge about adolescent girls' gynaecological concerns. Investing in teenage health will increase, prevent health care for tomorrow's women.