Abstract: Background and Aim: Ovarian cancer has been a leading malignancy endangering women’s health with high rate of worldwide prevalence. For the best possible outcome from treatment, the ovarian tumor must be accurately staged and characterized before surgery. To better characterize female pelvic masses, imaging techniques have developed significantly. This study aim is to evaluate the benefit of combining DCE MRI and DWI MRI with the conventional MRI in the ovarian cancers evaluation.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted at Tertiary Care Institute of India on 40 patients with ovarian cancers for the duration of 1 year. The use of a 1.5 Tesla MR scanner was used for MR imaging. The lesion morphological characteristics, such as its laterality, related size, and complexity, were assessed using standard MRI sequences. From quantitative data, maximum of all relative enhancements (MRE), Maximum enhancement (SImax), wash in rate (WIR) and wash out rate (WOR) were analyzed.
Results: The average size of the ovarian tumors according to conventional MRI was 10.40± 6.2 cm. The pathological tumor types (benign, malignant, and borderline) did not differ statistically significantly in terms of size, bilaterality of the lesion, or ancillary abnormalities on conventional MRI. The accuracy of predicting malignancy based on the ADC value and diffusion restriction is 90.9% and 81.8%, respectively. Between the three diagnostic techniques and the pathological diagnosis, there were statistically significant differences. However, compared to conventional based diagnosis, diffusion and perfusion-based diagnostic had greater AUC, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy.
Conclusion: Ovarian neoplasia is one of the most common and lethal malignancy in female reproductive tract in older age group. The diagnostic accuracy of conventional MRI has significantly increased with the addition of DWI and DCE MR sequences. DCE MRI offers extra details on tumour vascularity.