Abstract: Introduction: Adnexal masses are common causes of patients to get admitted in gynaecological wards and also common reason for referral to Department of Oncology. The most prevalent type of adnexal masses are ovarian masses. Although various tumor markers are available to diagnose ovarian cancers, low resource countries like India require a humble marker. RMI has been found to be simple yet promising tool for this purpose. It is crucial to differentiate between benign and malignant pelvic masses so that early referral and optimal treatment can be provided, the effect of which is great on prognosis.
Aims and Objectives: To compare the diagnostic performance of RMI 1-4 in differentiating benign and malignant adnexal masses.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional observational study conducted at KIMS, Narketpally involving 35 patients with adnexal masses and were evaluated and surgically treated. The histopathologic diagnosis was regarded as definite outcome. Results of RMI were validated with histopathology reports.
Results: In our study we found that 11.4% were malignant ovarian tumors and 88.5% were benign ovarian tumors. There was statistically no significant difference in performance of four different RMIs in discriminating malignancy.
Conclusions: We concluded that any of four RMI scores can be used for selection of cases for optimal therapy. These are simple methods that can be used even in less specialized gynaecology clinics to facilitate selection of cases for referral to Oncologists.