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International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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P-ISSN: 2522-6614, E-ISSN: 2522-6622

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

2018, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A

S. No. Title and Authors Name
A randomised control study: To evaluate the effect of oxytocin plus misoprostol versus oxytocin or misoprostol alone in reducing blood loss at cesarean section
Anita, Manju Sharma, Lata Rajoria, Seema Mehta, Somila and Dharma
Pages: 01-03  -  Viewed: 2682  -  Downloaded: 1325  -  Country: India
Endometrial biopsy: Need of the hour in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding
Anita, Lata Rajoria, Manju Sharma, Seema Mehta, Somila and Dharma
Pages: 04-10  -  Viewed: 2633  -  Downloaded: 1247  -  Country: India
Comparative study of hydrotubation, sonosalphingography, hysterosalphingography and diagnostic laproscopy for evalution of tubal patency in infertile women
Dr. Lata Rajoria, Dr. Reena Meena, Dr. Anju Sharma and Dr. Megha Agrawal
Pages: 11-12  -  Viewed: 2861  -  Downloaded: 1567  -  Country: India
Role of colposcoy and paps smear in cervical carcinoma screening
Dr. Gajendra Singh Verma, Dr. Pragati Meena and Aakansha Agrawal
Pages: 13-16  -  Viewed: 2167  -  Downloaded: 914  -  Country: India
A clinical study to assess the maternal and foetal outcome in teenage pregnancy
Dr. Sharda Sarel, Dr. Kusumlata Meena, Dr. Lata Rajoria and Dr. Neha Sharma
Pages: 17-20  -  Viewed: 2409  -  Downloaded: 1055  -  Country: India
Evaluation of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy-A clinical study
Jyoti Rana
Pages: 21-23  -  Viewed: 2205  -  Downloaded: 921  -  Country: Nepal
Study of Antiphospholipid syndrome in patients with bad obstetric history: A cross sectional study
Dr. Akanksha Sharma, Dr. Santosh Yadav and Dr. Poonam Yadav
Pages: 24-28  -  Viewed: 3649  -  Downloaded: 1956  -  Country: India
Role of vitamin D in preeclampsia: Our experience
J Arumaikannu, S Usha Rani and S Shanthi
Pages: 29-32  -  Viewed: 3318  -  Downloaded: 1994  -  Country: India
Role of vibroacoustic stimulation test in assessment of fetal well being in high risk pregnancy and comparison with nonstress test
Omvati Gupta, Deepa Masand and Ritu Jhajhria
Pages: 33-35  -  Viewed: 3276  -  Downloaded: 1853  -  Country: India
Randomised prospective study of placental blood drainage for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage
Dr. Rashmi and Dr. Nandini M Hadalagi
Pages: 36-38  -  Viewed: 2237  -  Downloaded: 675  -  Country: India
International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology