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International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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P-ISSN: 2522-6614, E-ISSN: 2522-6622

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

2018, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part C

Pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome in a tertiary hospital: An observational study
Author(s): Dr. TS Meena, Dr. MS Sornam, Dr. R Thangam and S Padmanaban
Abstract: Background:Obstetric complications are the hallmark of antiphospholipid syndrome. Recurrent miscarriage, early delivery, oligohydramnios, prematurity, intrauterine growth restriction, fetal distress, fetal or neonatal thrombosis, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, arterial or venous thrombosis and placental insufficiency are the most severe APS-related complication for pregnant women. Antiphospholipid antibodies promote activation of endothelial cells, monocytes and platelets, causing an overproduction of tissue factor and thromboxane A2. Complement activation might have a central pathogenetic role. These factors, associated with the typical changes in the hemostatic system during normal pregnancy, result in a hypercoagulable state. This is responsible of thrombosis that is presumed to provoke many of the pregnancy complications associated with APS. Obstetric care is based on combined medical-obstetric high-risk management and treatment with the association between aspirin and heparin. This review deals with the pregnancy outcomes of APLA syndrome.
Methods: This Observational study was conducted among 21 antenatal women diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome among 1025 AN screened women who attended antenatal clinic in Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital, Chennai. This study was done after getting clearance from ethical committee of Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital.
Aims & objectives
1. To study the prevalence of antiphospholipid syndrome in antenatal population attending Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital.
2. To study the outcome of APLA syndrome in pregnancy.
Results: 21 cases of APLA details analysed
Conclusion: There exists a statistical significance between Hypertension and Non Hypertension APLA Patients with respect to different age group. Hypertension was there for 19% of APLA patients.
Pages: 126-130 | 2367 Views | 1158 Downloads
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International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
How to cite this article:
Dr. TS Meena, Dr. MS Sornam, Dr. R Thangam, S Padmanaban. Pregnancy outcomes in antiphospholipid syndrome in a tertiary hospital: An observational study. Int J Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2018;2(3):126-130. DOI: 10.33545/gynae.2018.v2.i3c.92
International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology