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International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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P-ISSN: 2522-6614, E-ISSN: 2522-6622

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

2019, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Part C

S. No. Title and Authors Name
A comparative study of oral labetalol versus oral nifedipine in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Dr. Nilesh Dalal, Dr. Somen Bhattacharjee and Dr. Mansi Tiwari
Pages: 132-136  -  Viewed: 4020  -  Downloaded: 2417  -  Country: India
Abruptio placenta: A study on the risk factors and fetomaternal outcome
Dr. Shilpa Gupta, Dr. Hina Ganatra
Pages: 137-140  -  Viewed: 2828  -  Downloaded: 1389  -  Country: India
Association of serum hCG level with miscarriage in early pregnancy
Meena Dr. Priyanka, Mathur Dr. Rati, Meena Dr. Mohan Lal and Simlot Dr. Anita
Pages: 141-144  -  Viewed: 5177  -  Downloaded: 3747  -  Country: India
Role of intravenous acetaminophen infusion for analgesia during active labour
Dr. Jaspal Kaur, Dr Sujata Sharma, Dr. Navyugraj Singh and Dr. Anita Madan
Pages: 145-149  -  Viewed: 2283  -  Downloaded: 914  -  Country: India
Thromboprophylaxis with single dose versus seven dose enoxaparin in intermediate risk postpartum women: A single blinded randomized control study
Abhishek Malakar, Shreya Barik, Somnath Laha and Ritu Khatuja
Pages: 150-154  -  Viewed: 1964  -  Downloaded: 599  -  Country: India
Consequences of antepartum haemorrhage and its perinatal outcome
Dr. Himang Jharaik, Dr. Aditi Sharma, Prof. Bishan Dhiman and Dr. Kanika Sharma
Pages: 155-159  -  Viewed: 3060  -  Downloaded: 1644  -  Country: India
Evaluation of nuchal translucency as a sonographic marker for screening congenital heart defects in high risk cases
Saumya Singh, Madhu Jain, Ashish Verma and Dharmendra Jain
Pages: 160-162  -  Viewed: 2125  -  Downloaded: 726  -  Country: India
to study the relevant laboratory investigations in cases of pre-eclampsia
Dr. Anshu Singh
Pages: 163-165  -  Viewed: 1916  -  Downloaded: 544  -  Country: India
Hysterectomy trend in rural India: An analytical study
Saumya Singh
Pages: 166-168  -  Viewed: 2163  -  Downloaded: 823  -  Country: India
Study of risk factors and fetal outcome in cord prolapse: An observational study at tertiary hospital
Dr. Shazia Nisar, Dr. Shahzada Sajid Bashir Banday and Dr. Shahzada Shahid Bashir Banday
Pages: 169-171  -  Viewed: 2906  -  Downloaded: 1371  -  Country: India
International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology