S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 | to determine the integrity of scare in all cases of previous cesarean section before VBAC is tried Dr. Tanya Agrawal and Dr. Ishita Ganguly Pages: 135-136 - Viewed: 2215 - Downloaded: 847 - Country: India |
2 | to study the diagnostic role of various risks of malignancy indices (RMI 1, 2, 3, 4) in the pre-operative evaluation of adnexal masses and to compare the four Rmi with each other in terms of various statistical parameters Dr. Tanya Agrawal and Dr. Ishita Ganguly Pages: 137-139 - Viewed: 2039 - Downloaded: 669 - Country: India |
3 | Maternal and fetal outcome in HELLP syndrome Badugu Rao Bahadur, Prabha Devi Kodey and Amrutha Mula Pages: 140-144 - Viewed: 2285 - Downloaded: 751 - Country: India |
4 | One year study of cases of hysteroscopy in infertile women Dr. Dolly Gupta Pages: 145-147 - Viewed: 1958 - Downloaded: 622 - Country: India |
5 | Predictors of nausea and vomiting risk factors and its relation to anesthesia Shahla Muthana Khlil-Fahmi and Ban Asad Hussein Pages: 148-153 - Viewed: 2061 - Downloaded: 660 - Country: Iraq |
6 | Saline infusion sonography and office hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding Dr. Nitin Kulkarni and Dr. Urjita S Thavare Pages: 154-156 - Viewed: 2091 - Downloaded: 707 - Country: India |
7 | Weight-loss and improvement of symptoms in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: Learnings from an online holistic program Dr. Manthan Mehta, Mahesh Jayaraman and Sharda Agarwal Pages: 157-160 - Viewed: 3789 - Downloaded: 2389 - Country: India |
8 | Comparison of placenta previa and abruptio placenta and its maternal and perinatal outcome Himang Jharaik, Aditi Sharma, Rajni Sharma and Kanika Sharma Pages: 161-166 - Viewed: 3826 - Downloaded: 2299 - Country: India |
9 | Evaluation of hepatitis B surface antigen positivity in antenatal mothers and the role of anti viral therapy Badam Rajani Kumari, Chodavarapu Sailaja, Menda Pratibha Chaitanya and Timmasarthi Kanakadurga Pages: 167-170 - Viewed: 1984 - Downloaded: 603 - Country: India |
10 | A study of 100 cases of breech pregnancy at A tertiary centre Dr. Shazia Nisar and Dr. Shahzada Shahid Bashir Banday Pages: 171-173 - Viewed: 2197 - Downloaded: 855 - Country: India |