S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 | A study on the knowledge and life style of health students towards the risk factors and prevention of human papilloma virus in Nigeria Otobo D Daniel and Okoro I Ngozi Pages: 01-04 - Viewed: 1017 - Downloaded: 430 - Country: Nigeria |
2 | Analysis of Indications and outcome of emergency obstetric hysterectomy Dr. Anju Dogra, Dr. Suksham Sharma, Dr. SunitaAtri and Dr. Vinay Kumar Pages: 05-09 - Viewed: 1266 - Downloaded: 681 - Country: India |
3 | Role of diagnostic hysteroscopy in evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding and its histopathological correlation Pooja Sharma, Rohini Jaggi and Dr. Abhilasha Thakyal Pages: 10-13 - Viewed: 1177 - Downloaded: 554 - Country: India |
4 | Knowledge, attitude, perception and utilization of contraceptive amongst reproductive aged adults at the Ghent University Summer School, Belgium: A cross-sectional study Daniel D Otobo, Jacob Adefila and Daniel Mesak Pages: 14-17 - Viewed: 1340 - Downloaded: 783 - Country: Nigeria |
5 | Comparison of maternal and fetal outcomes between groups of patients undergoing induction of labor and those having spontaneous labor Dr. Zainab Raja, Dr. Megha Patel and Dr. Kruti Deliwala Pages: 18-21 - Viewed: 1290 - Downloaded: 647 - Country: India |
6 | Sexuality, pattern and age of sexual debut amongst young reproductive aged health students in Nigeria: A cross-sectional study Daniel D Otobo, Adikpe E Edugbe, Daniel Mesak, Victoria Okon-Eyo, David Eseigbe, Faith D Onuh, Manasseh Tsavsar, Olushola Jegede, Glory Alapa, Patricia Abowu and Jacob Adefila Pages: 22-27 - Viewed: 1556 - Downloaded: 486 - Country: Nigeria |
7 | IOTA simple ultrasound rules for triage of ovarian masses: A prospective cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital Pooja Sharma, Tarini Singh and Ankita Sharma Pages: 28-30 - Viewed: 1578 - Downloaded: 928 - Country: India |
8 | To study the comparison of the efficacy of DIPSI, IADPSG, and GCT criteria as a screening test for gestational diabetes mellitus in Indian patients Roshni Abichandani, Suneeta Singh, Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Kishan Kapur and Atiya Aziz Pages: 31-36 - Viewed: 1513 - Downloaded: 883 - Country: India |
9 | Factors Associated with the need for bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with or without hysterectomy in patients with a tubo-ovarian abscess Luis Humberto Sordia-Hernndez, Felipe Arturo Morales-Martnez, Cristina Aid Ramrez Colunga, Luis Humberto Sordia-Pieyro, Otto Hugo Valds-Martnez, Selene M Garcia-Luna, Mara Ofelia Sordia-Pieyro and Dr. Jose Eleuterio Gonzalez Pages: 37-41 - Viewed: 1124 - Downloaded: 581 - Country: Mexico |
10 | The unmet need for abortion law reforms and modern contraceptive uptake in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Ethiopia: A systematic review Otobo DD, Aouta AC, Otsyina EB and Tatere YH Pages: 42-47 - Viewed: 1893 - Downloaded: 1202 - Country: Nigeria |
11 | Transvaginal ultrasonography as diagnostic modality in evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding Dr. Neha Agrawal, Dr. Rekha Garlapati and Dr. Garima Bhardwaj Pages: 48-51 - Viewed: 1002 - Downloaded: 433 - Country: India |