S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 | Primary amenorrhea with mullerian duct anamolies with hypoplastic uterus-mayer rokitansky kustner hauser syndrome a case report Dr. Suguru Vasudha and Dr. Sreelatha Pages: 01-03 - Viewed: 898 - Downloaded: 374 - Country: India |
2 | The correlation between parity and incidence of premature rupture of membranes Dr. Bhavya Teja Pages: 07-10 - Viewed: 759 - Downloaded: 287 - Country: India |
3 | Awareness and acceptance of contraception in postpartum women at tertiary care hospital Dr. Nalla Pavani and Dr. K Padmaja Pages: 11-13 - Viewed: 787 - Downloaded: 274 - Country: India |
4 | Comparing neonatal outcome of late preterm: Intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) average for gestational age infants Lanka Sirisha, Suchitra Pasupula and Sreelatha K Pages: 14-17 - Viewed: 682 - Downloaded: 199 - Country: India |
5 | Study of fetomaternal outcome of teenage pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital Sahithi T and Madhulika A Pages: 18-21 - Viewed: 933 - Downloaded: 345 - Country: India |
6 | Assessment of maternal and perinatal outcome in preterm labour associated with asymptomatic bacteriuria Dr. Vinisha Modi and Dr. Neeta Natu Pages: 22-24 - Viewed: 745 - Downloaded: 252 - Country: India |
7 | Symptomatology and course of COVID-19 infection among vaccinated and unvaccinated pregnant women admitted to a referral hospital Nikhitha Chintha Pages: 25-27 - Viewed: 718 - Downloaded: 193 - Country: India |
8 | Need for blood transfusion during cesarean section in rivers state university teaching hospital Iwo-Amah R, Nwogu C, Chisor-Wabali Nkasiobi, Mkpe Abbey, Amadi SC, Kua P, Altraide BO, Kwosah NJ, John DH, Ocheche US, Mba AG, Ohaka Cv and Awopola J Pages: 28-32 - Viewed: 707 - Downloaded: 198 - Country: Nigeria |
9 | A retrospective observational study to see the effect of dual trigger on IVF outcomes in poor ovarian responders Rita Bakshi, Divya Khaitan, Monu Singh and Kriti Tiwari Pages: 33-36 - Viewed: 786 - Downloaded: 239 - Country: India |