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International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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P-ISSN: 2522-6614, E-ISSN: 2522-6622

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

2019, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part C

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Role of admission test by Cardiotocography (CTG) as a predictor of perinatal outcome: A prospective study
Dr. Hrishikesh Joshi, Dr. Suruchi M Pawar and Dr. Akanksha Singh
Pages: 128-131  -  Viewed: 4733  -  Downloaded: 2988  -  Country: India
Maternal and fetal outcome in jaundice complicating pregnancy
Dr. R Fathima Hasan, Dr. D Kavitha, Dr. P Vasanthamani and S Padmanaban
Pages: 132-134  -  Viewed: 2629  -  Downloaded: 991  -  Country: India
A study on cervical Pap smears among women with leucorrhoea in a tertiary care centre
Dr. Rema V Nair, Dr. Seetha PM and Dr. Sowbharnika CP
Pages: 135-137  -  Viewed: 2462  -  Downloaded: 1012  -  Country: India
Knowledge and practices about routine antenatal care in pregnant women
Dr. Sonal Jain and Dr. Vaishali Jain
Pages: 138-140  -  Viewed: 2675  -  Downloaded: 1208  -  Country: India
Serum C - reactive protein in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia- a comparative study
Dr. Mohan Lal Meena, Dr. Kusum Meena, Dr. BS Meena and Dr. Chitra Gidwani
Pages: 141-145  -  Viewed: 3245  -  Downloaded: 1593  -  Country: India
Collaborative research on uterine contractions
Catalin Dumitru and Anghel Cernescu
Pages: 146-150  -  Viewed: 2551  -  Downloaded: 1034  -  Country: Romania
Two-consecutive cases of toxic shock syndrome from intravaginal traditional fertility treatment: a case report
Jombo SE, Olugbemide OA, Okogbo FO and Bankole IA
Pages: 151-154  -  Viewed: 2382  -  Downloaded: 810  -  Country: Nigeria
Reference charts of fetal biometric parameters in a group of healthy Nigerian women with singleton pregnancies
Ajen Stephen Anzaku, Bitrus James, Onyeji John, Edugbe A Emmanuel and Samuelson K Chibuzo
Pages: 155-161  -  Viewed: 3869  -  Downloaded: 2331  -  Country: Nigeria
A study on maternal and perinatal outcome among pregnant women with hypothyroidism in a rural area of Tamil Nadu
Jameela Ponmalar AR, Jesuthangam M and Sughija G
Pages: 162-164  -  Viewed: 1897  -  Downloaded: 450  -  Country: India
Retrospective analysis of Twin pregnancies -Types of placentation and its association with perinatal outcome
Dr. Mamta Ramteke, Dr. Sunita Gaikwad, Dr. Pavan Sable and Dr. Milind Ubale
Pages: 165-168  -  Viewed: 2273  -  Downloaded: 778  -  Country: India
International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology

International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology